Crystals to Manifest – Emma Lucy Knowles

Harness the power of crystals and start living your best life.

Hands-on healer and clairvoyant-to-the-stars, Emma-Lucy Knowles, shows us how to use crystals to help you feel more empowered in your everyday. Along with beautiful photography and a full index of the crystals she mentions, Emma-Lucy explains how to clear your body of what is blocking you, cast out your best intentions and then call in positive energy to transform your life.

Whether you’re manifesting good things for your romantic life, friendships, career or physical health, you’ll be told which crystals to pick and how to use them to strengthen your manifestation practice.

Harness the power of crystals and start living your best life.

Beautifully produced, the content of this informative book includes the following parts:

What is manifesting?
It begins with you
Getting Started
Crystals to manifest the specifics across your life
Cleansing and resetting the score
The Conclusion (that is not a conclusion) because as the author says ‘there is no end point to what you are creating through manifesting’

Each part is clearly and helpfully explained and illustrated with photographs of the relevant crystals.

There is also a very useful resources, practitioners and stockists section, plus further reading and a very helpful index by crystal and an index by manifestation.

If you, or someone you know, love working with crystals you will love this book! Highly Recommended!

Crystals to Manifest by Emma Lucy Knowles – Publisher: Ebury Publishing